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EF18 Feedback

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Eurofurence 18 was my first furry convention ever, I was so worried I wouldn't like it. Well now I'm already planning Confuzzled 2013 and Eurofurence 2013, so I think my time at Eurofurence was a great one. I got to meet many furs in person, some were artist that I like. Also it was my first time traveling alone and first time in Germany, which is a wonderful country and the people talk English very well. First day for me was just getting into the swing of things and that happened pretty fast, the next day I was already pretty well settled in to the convention way of things.

From there on I just had so much fun, talking to friends and seeing how much fun it was to be around so many furries. Because of all the fursuiters and seeing how much they were having fun, I'm getting one for myself. I'm gonna start with a partial, but I will expand it to a full suit later. So this is all that my first convention did to me, Eurofurence has made me proud to be a furry.

I hope to see you all again, maybe at Confuzzled or Eurofurence, maybe even both.


--- Quote from: Pinky on 14.09.2012, 13:22:33 ---You heard wrong. At the beginning of the Pawpet Show I said they were more than welcome to come back, and I also mentioned that last year's charity had in fact returned, this time as a normal attendee and with a fursuit. But no one promised anyone a fursuit.

--- End quote ---

Ah, thanks for the clarification. But its a great thing that being part of the con grows an interest in being a fursuiter.


* music, very exhausting to dance to sometimes in fursuit, too much hardcore, was much better last year
* I was in a bearess fursuit in a clubwear outfit,
I went to the headless lounge to cool down after dancing since I was overheating, but the headless lounge was too crowded,
then i went to the front entrance since back entrance was locked, to stay outside and cool down for some minutes,
security sent me back inside cause of my outfit or so, I dunno,
I was only there to cool down for some minutes next to the entrance and head back in afterwards, that security decision was not fursuiter friendly
* fursuitwalk, I was close to the end and we rushed 2/3 of the walk, very sadly no time to interact with people, it was nearly a run

* organisation, con staff, you guys are awesome, thank you all for your dedicated work!
* the local people of the city, the hotel staff, the guests at the con, the workers in the local food shops are all so helpful and friendly
* the community, the mood, the spirit of this con is amazing
It was an awesome con as always, glad to be there and looking forward to next time!  :D

Dhary Montecore:

--- Quote from: kiwikig on 15.09.2012, 16:01:28 ---[...]security sent me back inside cause of my outfit or so, I dunno,[..]

--- End quote ---

Dear Sir or Madam,

yes, of course it was because of your outfit. At Eurofurence 17 you have been asked by security not to walk in front of the hotel, since your outfit would be bothering for other attendees and might give the wrong impression on passing city folk. When you were told that, you were standing at the street, waving at cars.

This year you walked out the front of the hotel again, despite securitys plead not to do so. I do understand your reason, that the lounge was too crowded, but please be informed, that we had multiple attendees, worried about your outfit in public and that we do share their concern. If you need to cool down and the lounge is too crowded again, please use the back-entrance when you wear your "club-wear".

And yes, I am aware, that you joined the fursuitparade in the same outfit. I just decided to tolerate that since I noticed only after the parade started.

Please, try to wear at least more decent clothing when wearing your suit outside of the hotel. Thank you for your understanding!

"yes, of course it was because of your outfit. At Eurofurence 17 you have been asked by security not to walk in front of the hotel, since your outfit would be bothering for other attendees and might give the wrong impression on passing city folk. When you were told that, you were standing at the street, waving at cars."

I contacted the security last year to say I am sorry about going too close to the street. As I said I had no intention to do anything else than cooling off and staying at the entrance this year.

"If you need to cool down and the lounge is too crowded again, please use the back-entrance when you wear your "club-wear"."

As I said the back entrance was locked.

"And yes, I am aware, that you joined the fursuitparade in the same outfit."

Then you got me wrong or talk about another person.


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