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Fursuit Friendly Dance

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I liked the idea of the mass of fursuits on the dance floor, looking forward to seeing the video! Didn't find getting out of the dance an issue once it started, though I did stay to dance for a bit.

The only issue was that was that with many fursuiters attending the dance at one point, the lounge was pretty rammed for the first hour or so, but there's no real solution to that, and it was nice to see a lot of suiters dancing all at once! :)

Not having to mess around with the photo before or after the parade was also a bonus! :)

Imho, the quality in terms of musical content was better than last year, thanks to the first 1-2 hours, but after that, it just wasn't danceable anymore. And I'm not talking about a matter musical taste here, but simply of rhythm being being constantly broken. We even noticed with a couple friends that kenai didn't seem to check the dancefloor much as he was mixing, which gave us the feeling he was mixing more for himself than the crowd.

Moreover, if there was so much smoke doors had to be closed to prevent smoke detectors from triggering, i think there is a real problem here, since it means there was more of it at the fursuiters friendly dance than the big blue dance. It should have been the opposite.

As for the unauthorized party at the first floor's balcony, maybe there was a reason it got more attention than the main stage.


--- Quote from: Lightfox on 05.09.2012, 00:15:10 ---As for the unauthorized party at the first floor's balcony, maybe there was a reason it got more attention than the main stage.

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Purely as my private opinion - of course it did attract attention, because that thing was TOO FUCKING LOUD.  >:(

I seriously hope that next year this thing is prevented from the start. Not only was the music carried through the whole airspace of the lobby, but the yelling of the drunken yobs was so loud I could still hear it loud and clear in my 7th floor room with the door closed and the TV turned way up.

Seriously, people. No more C-floor party. That just doesn't work.


--- Quote from: Lightfox on 05.09.2012, 00:15:10 ---Moreover, if there was so much smoke doors had to be closed to prevent smoke detectors from triggering, i think there is a real problem here, since it means there was more of it at the fursuiters friendly dance than the big blue dance. It should have been the opposite.

--- End quote ---

Nothing triggered the smoke detectors, and nothing would have. It was just a missunderstanding.

Well I wanted to atend the dance and probebly the music was better and more bearable later on BUT it started with a very LOAD and unbearaeble (to me, even in suite) techno dance thing that was just like a minor war has broken out. Scared me away right after the photo. I dont know what sort off music to espect from a fursuit friendly dance but that was simply just to load, specially since I didnt have earplugs. You should have provided them (as you did with other events that doesnt needed em) before the dance started, and warned for strong music.


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