Eurofurence Information > Feedback


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--- Quote from: Langohr on 06.09.2012, 19:33:19 ---Very informative, beautiful art: great!

Only suggestion from me: A list of contents would be useful.

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Personally, I wouldn't switch from time- to track-based order. Most people like to know what's going on during a certain day and then take their pick, rather than look at a "tailormade" list and risk missing other events that might have interested them too. Also, most people have more than one thing they are interested in and thus would have to check more than one list...

Jake R:

--- Quote from: Luxen on 07.09.2012, 19:27:57 ---Personally, I wouldn't switch from time- to track-based order. Most people like to know what's going on during a certain day and then take their pick, rather than look at a "tailormade" list and risk missing other events that might have interested them too. Also, most people have more than one thing they are interested in and thus would have to check more than one list...

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I believe the idea is that, since this info is already in the per-day timetable, the descriptions don't also need to be listed chronologically. And the descriptions wouldn't be spread over multiple lists, just sorted differently. Or have I misunderstood what you are saying?

[edit:] choice of words [/edit]


--- Quote from: Cookie on 07.09.2012, 18:38:13 ---Mine was badly misprinted. I had some of the interview pages twice.. i just hope that nothing important was missing from it as a result of the misprinting...
A friend of mine had blak pages inserted in his..

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I hear that quite often this year, although it is still the same printer as always. So far it fortunately was always additional pages, not missing ones... I wonder how prevalent the issue actually is.

As long as i'm not *missing* pages...i don't mind to have a thicker conbook!


--- Quote from: Jake R on 07.09.2012, 19:48:04 ---I believe the idea is that, since this info is already in the per-day timetable, the descriptions don't also need to be listed chronologically. And the descriptions wouldn't be spread over multiple lists, just sorted differently. Or have I misunderstood what you are saying?

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No, that is pretty much it. The timetable is meant to be the primary way of orientation and navigating through the day. The event lists (however organized) will then provide details. As a neat table which can be read by room or by time, the timetable is a lot more readable than an event list where you have to have one eye on the time/location bullets and the other on the description, and where one time may even be spread across a page break.

Fact is that we have lots of events this year which no longer appear in the event list but have their own pages. Art Show, Dealers' Den and Fursuit Photoshoot were listed with the events last year, but that created a terrible redundancy and made the event list actually less readable. So I have cut them from the list this year. Also there are events, like the Motorfurs Meeting, that have additional info (the map) that is hard to display in the regular event list. And finally there are the recurring events...

I can see the argument, but there is little that a chronological event list has to offer that the timetable would not be able to provide.

(Not to mention the internal logistic advantages.)


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