Eurofurence Information > Feedback


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BIG cheers for the conbook! It is informative (specially if you can not use apps.) plus a beautyfull souvenir of the con. The contents have been neatly arranged, the art is just outstanding - 2 thumbs up :)!

Only one thing: I was really missing the storry(ies) :'(
I loved those in the previous years. Was there a special reason for them not beeing in the book, or could you just not find anyboddy writing some?


--- Quote from: Drift on 10.09.2012, 14:17:14 ---BIG cheers for the conbook! It is informative (specially if you can not use apps.) plus a beautyfull souvenir of the con. The contents have been neatly arranged, the art is just outstanding - 2 thumbs up :)!

Only one thing: I was really missing the storry(ies) :'(
I loved those in the previous years. Was there a special reason for them not beeing in the book, or could you just not find anyboddy writing some?

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There hasn't been one in last year's book either (unless you count the mini-scene that started the book). I guess you can call them victims of the expanding con-related content - with the seating/hanging plans, expanded event parts, and even larger Sponsor's list, we are close to the physical limit of what's possible with this type of binding.


--- Quote from: Cairyn on 10.09.2012, 14:34:06 ---[...] with this type of binding.
--- End quote ---

intriguing... :}


--- Quote from: Drift on 10.09.2012, 14:17:14 ---I loved those in the previous years. Was there a special reason for them not beeing in the book, or could you just not find anyboddy writing some?

--- End quote ---

This was also an editorial decision based on the evaluation "how many pages do we have" and "what do people actually read" - stories blow up the page count of the book, but it's the least useful, and least interesting feature. So it was the first to go.


--- Quote from: Cheetah on 10.09.2012, 15:33:28 ---it's the least useful, and least interesting feature

--- End quote ---

If we had an award for the least read text, it would probably go to the Rules of Conduct ;D

But seriously, I would like to know what parts of the con book are most interesting? Were the new seating and panel plans successful, even with those pesky last minute changes? Who reads the advertising? Did we hit the spot with GoH and Charity pages? Would the timetables be more useful earlier in the book? Are there events you'd like to be spotlighted? Does the book help you in your decision which panels to visit?


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