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--- Quote from: draconigen on 10.09.2012, 15:31:11 ---
--- Quote from: Cairyn on 10.09.2012, 14:34:06 ---[...] with this type of binding.
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intriguing... :}

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4 or 8 pages more (I forgot) at this paper weight, and we'd need to shift to glue binding (like the Heat magazines). That would not only cost us the wraparound cover and the centerfold in their current form, but is also inherently weaker. I don't want to picture glue coming loose and con book pages flying all over the place... no way! (Okay, I am exaggerating, but a con book needs to take more rough handling than a magazine, so it's better to stay with the sturdy alternative.)


--- Quote from: Cairyn on 10.09.2012, 16:47:56 ---But seriously, I would like to know what parts of the con book are most interesting? Were the new seating and panel plans successful, even with those pesky last minute changes? Who reads the advertising? Did we hit the spot with GoH and Charity pages? Would the timetables be more useful earlier in the book? Are there events you'd like to be spotlighted? Does the book help you in your decision which panels to visit?

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Let's put some javascript in next time to track people's page impressions! Oh ... wait ....


--- Quote from: Cheetah on 10.09.2012, 17:01:15 ---Let's put some javascript in next time to track people's page impressions! Oh ... wait ....

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Yay, fully electronic interactive con book! ... Feh, now we got an app already...

The most usefull things for me was in order:
-The included pockedsize timetable: Loved to have it in my pocket and read up on where and when event was! Kudos for making one!
-The timetable: Very usefull to see where everything was.
-Event descriptions: Brought more insight on what each event actually was about.
-Maps, specially thoose over the hotell: Its hard to know where everything is elseway, isnt it?
-Basic information section: While theese was mostly fairly basic info its still usefull and important readups, specially for firstimers like myself.

For me you could skip the two or three pages of art show map and descriptions, since Id guess it really could be more usefull to have it posted on the site, rather than in the con book, but thats me. Thoose extra pages would make up for an extra area map around the hotell and maybe a longe description of the pawpet show.

Quincy the Raccoon:
The conbook of this year: one word: AWESOME! Thick, informative and the lists are really useful cuz I did not have a smartphone so I could not download the app.

Also the art is amazing. Especially the one with that LOVELY deer in the middle. I almost want to take it out and frame it. Meh, I rather not, eh? But yeah, awesome stuff and to be honest: I read it now several times and I still can't get my eyes off of it!


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