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EF19 Feedback

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--- Quote from: Sithy on 27.08.2013, 14:07:04 ---Thank you, we weren't able to see that in suit  ;D I figured something was wrong since it went so smooth last year (at least, it went smooth in my opinion, I saw some other opinions there.) Maybe shout at everyone next time so we know and can go back to the lounge if need be.

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Not trying to beat a dead horse, but we all know what it means to tell a room with more than 500 fursuiters that they can take a break due to technical issues, and tell them to come back 5 minutes later. :)

Seriously, sometimes it's better to just shut up and fix the problem. There are times when you will not find the perfect solution for your problem. :)


--- Quote from: Fafnir Kristensen on 27.08.2013, 13:34:52 ---I would like to remind all the Peter Jackson adepts that the dance floor main purpose is for *dancing*, it's not a movie studio, you are the extra load there, not the dancers, so watch your steps

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Amen. I think there's a couple too many cameras around actually, but what can you do. Blanket photography bans would hurt the virality of the phenomenon that is Eurofurence, and seems anachronistic to boot.


--- Quote from: Thygrrr on 27.08.2013, 15:47:20 ---
--- Quote from: Fafnir Kristensen on 27.08.2013, 13:34:52 ---I would like to remind all the Peter Jackson adepts that the dance floor main purpose is for *dancing*, it's not a movie studio, you are the extra load there, not the dancers, so watch your steps

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Amen. I think there's a couple too many cameras around actually, but what can you do. Blanket photography bans would hurt the virality of the phenomenon that is Eurofurence, and seems anachronistic to boot.

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As a matter of fact, we've discussed this matter before. We can't do anything about it but remind people to be careful and use common courtesy. Banning cameras from any event whatsoever requires a pretty damn good reason, or the spirit of the con would be killed immediately.

Jake R:
Breaking the combo:

Earlier on I was discussing taking 'won' artwork from the Art Show back to your room with someone. Seeing as the lobby is a public space with random people and even kids walking around, I imagine it's not always appreciated when people are openly carrying some of the more... risque pieces from the back of the Art Show. Some art now has the packaging material available to go with the art itself, but not all. My suggestion: is it possible to hand out some of that cheap brown packaging paper they sometimes have in stores? I have no clue how big of an issue this is, or how expensive a roll or two of that stuff would be. It's just an idea, up to you to decide what (if anything) to do with it.

Oh my, I really don't know where to begin ...

It was my second furry con and therefore second Eurofurence and all I can say is, that it almost doubled in awesomeness from last year.
I greatly enjoyed myself and sincerly want to thank every fur, be it staff, director, volunteers or attendees/suiters itself involved in making this event happen again and again every year.
You - guys - are - all - so - damn - AWESOME <3

Like Sithy already wrote, major props to the entire security team for handling the situations in a professional manner like you did last year and also for the damn good work at the parade.
It was my first parade attending in fullsuit and damn, I didn't expect SO MANY PEOPLE - I was overjoyed seeing all those suiters, citizens of Magdeburg wanting to take pictures from and with us
and really made us feel loved and wanted there, so heartwarming. And all the people who wanted to high-five me or take a pic with me, all smiling and being happy, this makes me proud to be a
furry and fursuiter, because we're doing it right :3

Sadly though the parade got more or less ripped in "two halves" with me being stuck in the last half who had to wait quite a bit of time on the same spot,
really getting warmed up in the direct sunlight and nowhere to go - but that can't be blamed on anyone because the streets were literally filled with fluff and people.
On another note, next year I gotta poke the security guy with my otterclaws (in a playfull way) who rushed a cart into my backside/tail, making me nearly fall, I'mma get you, whoever you are xD

Another thing I want to really compliment you guys and Pinky on are the charity support you pull through every year.
Seeing the organization-woman of the Wildtierhilfe almost break down crying and shaking after hearing how much money we collected in just so very few days almost made me started to cry myself,
I feared she would drop the albino accidentally at some point ^^;
I'm really proud to be a furry and belonging to such an awesome community that cares and helps such organizations,
so major thanks to all the charity team and all the people who donated and organized events to gather more <3 <3
How much did we end up collecting anyway? I know that the 15.000€ wasn't the final number, since so many fursuiters and events after the PawPetShow still gathered more :3

I also wrote it in another thread here, but I also want to express my thanks to the fursuit lounge team and their helpers, always keeping things running,
filled up and even extending the opening hours of the lounge because of the (damn awesome) DeadDogParty! It was a blast of a party!

All in all another excellent and awesome Eurofurence - so again - thanks to all the people behind the scenes to make it happen!
Will definately try to come next year again and all the following years, Eurofurence has branded itself in my yearly vacation schedule as an event I don't want to miss,
able to meet old longtime friends from other places and countries, meeting new people and just having a good time while making the people around me happy as well, cannot it get any better? :3
Even though I'm not really fond of the new location in Berlin I'll try to be there next year, to join at yet another awesome experience!


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