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EF19 Feedback

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--- Quote from: BigBlueFox on 27.08.2013, 15:56:25 ---As a matter of fact, we've discussed this matter before. We can't do anything about it but remind people to be careful and use common courtesy. Banning cameras from any event whatsoever requires a pretty damn good reason, or the spirit of the con would be killed immediately.

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Yep, it's just our Zeitgeist, and We have to tolerate, if not embrace it. Also, some of the footage is really unique and a valuable tool in fighting PCD and, as I said, adding momentum to the furry "movement". Furry media has come such a long way in the past 10 years alone.

And I think politely telling the camera folks to step aside when they really get in the way isn't too hard.

Fafnir Kristensen:
I would not expect a ban or anything like that, many furries live by and for the photographies and movies they do.

I dont mind people with camera, as long as they dont bump or run into you because they are so focused on their fursuite prey they ignore the rest of the world.

theoretically that should be covered by the "General Behavior" content in the ConBook, but then im not sure people really read that page.

maybe remind people about it verbally at next year Opening Ceremony?
that should get to the most people in just one sentence I think.

--- Quote from: BigBlueFox on 27.08.2013, 15:56:25 ---
As a matter of fact, we've discussed this matter before. We can't do anything about it but remind people to be careful and use common courtesy. Banning cameras from any event whatsoever requires a pretty damn good reason, or the spirit of the con would be killed immediately.

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--- Quote from: Jake R on 27.08.2013, 16:25:15 ---Breaking the combo:

Earlier on I was discussing taking 'won' artwork from the Art Show back to your room with someone. Seeing as the lobby is a public space with random people and even kids walking around, I imagine it's not always appreciated when people are openly carrying some of the more... risque pieces from the back of the Art Show. Some art now has the packaging material available to go with the art itself, but not all. My suggestion: is it possible to hand out some of that cheap brown packaging paper they sometimes have in stores? I have no clue how big of an issue this is, or how expensive a roll or two of that stuff would be. It's just an idea, up to you to decide what (if anything) to do with it.

--- End quote ---

Noted and thanks for the idea I think it would be a good addition to the show and we from the Artshow will discuss it further

I've safely arrived home yesterday, returning from the first Eurofurence I've attended, and the first con during which I've been wearing a fursuit. The short summary: It was a blast!

I had almost no waiting time at the registration, and all formalities were hassle-free and quick with no surprises, because everything was either explained on site, or already mentioned on the homepage / during the emails. Staff has been friendly and helpful at all times and I've had no issues with any of them.

My personal highlight: The fursuit programs and lounge.

The "Fursuit" program (and lounge) were incredible, and simply awesome! The walk at the Zoo, the flashmob at the mall and the suit walk were wonderfully organized. There was enough information to answer any "how" and "where" questions, there's always been water supplies and security/helpers to guide the path and minimize problems. The lounge itself... well; it's the first time I've seen one - and it's amazing what you guys offer as a service in there! Having cooling pipes and racks to put the suit parts on, drinks and some salty snacks, dozens and dozens of fans, antibacterial spray (I brought and used lot of my own because I didn't expect any of that) and even a repair kit available just blew me away. Literally. ;) Even though all that certainly maxed out on its capacity (so many suits!) it made the experience a blast for me, and allowed me to wear my suit much more often, because it was just incredibly easy and convenient to store it in the lounge and have it dry in no time. Not to mention the Fursuit Photoshooting - it was so much fun, and the team there was actually interested in making good photos, and not just work down the batch of those who signed up. I was glad for all the help and advice I got on where to stand, which poses to try to make it look good. Thank you for all of that to everyone involved!

The only part where I really wish it'd have been solved differently was the waiting time for the big events. I know how complex stage setup can be for those, and it seems nobody really expects the doors to open on time - regardless of whether it's for the opening ceremonies, the story hour, the fursuit game show or the pawpet show; but the lack of communication can be really frustrating, and waiting for almost 2 hours is no fun at all, which made me leave the queue and skip the event. If the anticipated delays are small and predictable (at the time when it's supposed to launch), please be more communicative. Giving the first announcement 45 minutes after the planned opening time is too late to help people accomodate, and if the preparation time is really unpredictable, maybe it'd be worth finding a different method for the seating, like putting up "pull a number" ticket rolls, and calling out some ranges (1-50, 51-99, whatever) just like during aircraft boarding. :) But once again, please accept this as constructive feedback. The convention was a blast, but when you're together with many awesome people and your time is limited to the duration of the con, spending it "doing nothing" (aka: waiting for... information... or the doors to open) is frustrating.

I really look forward to the next convention - and I'm sure it'll be just as wonderful. And maybe there'll be a spot somewhere where I can lend a paw and contribute my part, too.


First it was a wonderfull Con ;) I really would love more than one DJ idea for FFD. DJ's always tend to know what is good for you but just serve more or less a majority ignoring many minority wishes. I prefer the confuzzled way with many DJs each evening. Then I have the freedom of choice at which hour to dance. It would especially accommodate the broad majority of furs not dancing all night long.

Then there was the story with the lifts and I admit it still upsets me:
Would people stand in the sponsor's line when they are none? No - because it is against the rules and each attempt incidence would have serious consequences.
Would people stay in the lift when one of the front lifts was temporarily broken down and 4 suiters waitet minutes to get up? Hell yes! - because it is has no consequences at all!

I addressed a person going from ground level to conference level (I knew as he had pressed 'C') to go by foot to get a fourth worn out fursuiter in and he watched me obviously understanding me and obviously knowing I could do nothing more than asking. And why is that? Because he knew it would have no consequences if I had reported him and rather kicked me out off the con when I had kicked him out of the lift. And why is that? Because you give recommendations rather than rules.

How about a simple rule like that: Each full-fursuiter has the authority to ask any non-fursuiter (which has no good reason to stay) to leave the lift if there is no space for both. I saw a lot of people waiting a long time in front of the lift just to press '1' or '2'. Imagine you need level '6' as a worn-out fursuiter. And take into account it got about half a degree warmer which each level. I resolved the case squeezing the rest of the people together ignoring complains of none-suiters in the back until there was space left for the last fursuiter (and wouldn't really be surprised at all if someone now is so bold to critize me for that).

Another issue: A person gave me in front of the hotel in fursuit a beer shower by having an open bottle permanently in his paw squeezing it tight with a thumb and then scritching me in fursuit turning the bootle accidently upside down and as it was carbonated spraying my fursuit with it. Probably it was no intention and the fur luckily didn't end sticky. I dunno what can be done here just want to point out: Drunken people with open bottles mingeling with crowds - especially with fursuiters - are a problem.


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