Eurofurence Information > Feedback

EF19 Feedback

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--- Quote from: Dhary Montecore on 28.08.2013, 17:33:49 ---Seconded. Especially when one of the "ladies" came to me and handed me a drink with the words (this is a quote!) "Here, drink this and have hard animal-sex" ....

Not sure what those people where told or thought, but that lead to a little talk between me and the promoters leader.

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You should've taken her to room 366 instead :)


--- Quote from: Dhary Montecore on 28.08.2013, 17:33:49 ---Seconded. Especially when one of the "ladies" came to me and handed me a drink with the words (this is a quote!) "Here, drink this and have hard animal-sex" ....

Not sure what those people where told or thought, but that lead to a little talk between me and the promoters leader.

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I'd be surprised in a bad way if that happened to me and probably asked her if she is stupid or something. Maybe a good reply might be "Thanks for the offer, but you're not my type" :)

 This was my second con and I loved it:D have no complaints at all about the con itself or how it was run!

I loved the flashmob in the mall and how it was organised :) I liked the little flyers put out on the table and how it was organised so that everyone could get ready in time after the Opening Ceremony! It was great fun! there were people to show you the way, and guide you to drinks as well as make sure you got to and from the hotel safely!

I also loved the fursuit lounge, Its normally great but this year there seemed to be an extra effort to make it run so much smoother! esp with all the fan problems to begin with! It was great how I didnt have to use my paws to try and get Eurofurence green, that someone was kind enough to keep filling up cups so that suiters could quickly grab a drink and cool off:) thankyou for that! was very thoughtful! the huge fan was great! we should forget to give that one back :D It made drying my suit so much easier! I also appreicated that the fans were kept an eye on, as there were a few instances where people *un* helpfully turned them on their backs to use them all to dry heads on which was quickly solved:)  The sewing kit was a thoughtful addition, all that would make it even better was to be able to buy the Eurofurence green to take home with me !  cant get it over here and I love it :D  Thankyou you also for keeping it open for hte Dead Dog Party, I know this caused extra strain when everyone was aleady tired but it was really appreciated <3

The lifts were ok this year! people were generally helpful in trying to make sure everyone squished into a lift! I loved the Surf simulator, even if I failed miserably :D despite cheating and sitting on it i still fell off! haha me= no sense of balance

I felt safe with all the security, not that there was or ever has been any reason not to feel safe, everyone is generally good natured, but I did like that when there was an issue security were very quick to find it and deal with it (toothbrush incedent:D ) I felt this set up a good relationship with the hotel and it made me feel happy :)

Dances were good! I liked the mix of music in all the dances, I felt the range in tempo was well balanced, you had a few faster dances and then a few slower ones to regain your energy. I liked the music choice in the DDP it was great to dance to classics and I managed to find a store of energy to dance a bit longer! Helped by the fans (thanks for those)

I loved the Guests of Honour! I felt they put alot of effort and love into their panels and loved their description of furry! I decided they should be our official media spokespeople! :D It was great they got involved and joined the photoshoot in the lobby:) Its made me want to get into puppeteering and hope they enjoyed themselves.

Hotel staff seemed easy going, The bar staff seemed to be the same from previous years so knew what to expect, and leaving a few Euro tips in my room led to being left animal pictures in response :D which I felt was quite sweet :)

So overall, I had a great con! Thankyou to everyone involved! :)

Now...with every up there's a down... and this isn't actually to do with the con itself, more the people that attend it and use of common sense.

I saw three cameras smashed over the con, one by a suiter who just jumped with no warning on the back of a photographer who not only had a drink in his hand but also his camera which went crashing to the floor and broke! suiter then ran off.  Second example, someone threw something off the balcony advertising their *yiffy* room party, which ended up bouncing off a suiter and smashing a camera, suiter got blamed and chased round the lobby for a donation towards it.  Common sense people!

I cant wait to come to Berlin if I can get it off work!

P.s. if anyone found a pale coloured doughnut with a brown swirl on it, tis mine.  

This years con was awesome! Props you guys for making this con run so smooth as it did. The fursuit lounge simply worked. We were continuously supplied with drinks and snacks. Even free condoms, I saw ;3 - though I didn't make use of them, thanks for being concerned about our sexual health as well! <3
I too found the fursuit arrangements really awesome. Thanks for booking busses for the suiters to the zoo <3 The trip to (and around) the zoo was awesome! And so was the fursuit parade. I was amazed by the collaboration between the con staff and the authorities. Props to you guys, you did an awesome job! Good thinking with the drinks booth on the way, and the bike with water as well!

From a fursuiters point of view, there are a few things I would like to suggest:
- At elevators, have clear unmistakably signs pointing furs to the staircase, and have elevator-crew to help fursuiters board first. Some furs seemed to have forgotten their manner at home. Sadly.
- For fursuiters without pockets, offer some sort of secure storage (of small items), like phones and wallets.
- Some sort of entertainment in the fursuit lounge could be nice. It could be EF prime showing on 1 or 2 tv's. An updated timetable with upcoming events, and a clock, as sense of time is easily lost while drying. The timetable could be displayed on a pc monitor. To make this even more awesome, have prerecorded callouts 15 minutes before a panel starts. Unsure if this would end up being annoying. It's worth a try...
- Disinfectants and febreeze free to use.
- If possible, a fursuit washing service. I don't expect the con to play for it, but having it as a selfpaid option would be awesome. Or it could be included in the supersponser deal. Ie. 1 wash of all suits at once. Of course it has to be done by someone who knows what they are dealing with.
- With the many smokers outside hotel, I sincerly fear for my heath while suiting, due to poor ventilation in the fursuit head. Hitting a wall of smoke feels very unlpeasent, so I kept my suiting outside to a minimum. And that's a shame.

Blue Raptor:
It was a great con, everything well organized, Check-in went smooth, the decoration was awesome, and the fursuit lounge very sophisticated and so useful! Thanks a lot to all the staff!

--- Quote from: Starfighter Suicune on 27.08.2013, 01:05:24 ---And the Fureoke night was damn AWESOME! There is nothing better than the old 70s-90s music and a lot of people singing it! Too bad I missed the beginning because the Fursuit Games were at the same time. I wanted to go back to my hotel when the games were over and just have a short peek what was going up at the fureoke. Yeah.. I stayed till the end xD
Pleas next year at the same time again!

The Fursuit Friendly dance was nice. I just missed a mix of some known songs like in the first hour last year. But I'm glad that some songs were remixed or a few played completly without being remixed. Maybe a bit shorter remixes and more differnt songs and it's perfect. At least I stayed..
The Big Blue dance was ok. I didn't stay long, because at 2am there was hey-look-i-have-bass like music. Don't like if it just goes wobwobwob.

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--- Quote from: Sithy on 27.08.2013, 13:13:25 ---4) The Dead Dog party. Ace, please be the DJ at the fursuit friendly dance next year?

5) This point I ask you to please correct me on if I'm wrong: the fursuit friendly dance seemed too fast-paced and there were zero familiar songs in the first hour. I know it's hard to please everyone, but for a fursuit friendly dance I'd expect music that is dancable...look at the difference between amount of suiters dancing at Ace's set vs the fursuit friendly dance. IMHO, it's best to start out with slower paced music and then go to the fast beat-y stuff.
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Here I have to agree.

I was looking forward do some action in suit during the dances now that I finally have one, but... felt there was no music somehow. I was expecting that in between a lot of boomboom, there'd be some good, some old, some new, and some silly. But there was only boomboom.
See, I don't even expect people to play any classics from the 80s or something matching exactly my taste. But couldn't there be something that has, I dunno, a rythm at least? Even if it's boomboom with a rythm?
On the opposite, the music at the fureoke, or the Dead dog dance around 1 am (when I had just gotten out of suit after 3 hours and showered :( ), was great and felt so much better to go along with, and from the level the people cheered and enjoyed and growled along and went berzerk bouncing all over the place having an awesome time of their life during that, it was obviously not only my opinion.

And as for promotionists, tourists, filmers, and unsupervised kids running around: I know it is probably impossible to prevent and maybe required for good PR or happy partnership with the hotel and such. But if if we have a say in it, I prefer to stay among the furries around me on a furry convention, not having to watch for too many extra people that give you weird looks, ask annoying or awkward questions, or that might see things one would not want to show or say to a non-furry or for the whole web to know. Just saying. :)


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