Eurofurence Information > Feedback

Big thank you to the fursuit team (Also complaints and feedback now ;-) )

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As a first time fursuiter I would like to thank the Fursuit Team for all their hard work. It is really appreciated to have an easily reached cooldown spot with lots of fans where you can take off your head without ruining the illusion and easy access to water and snacks that just magically refill all the time.

I would also like to thank the Fursuit Badge Team for making me a badge on the spot. This way I could stay in character when asked for my name.

Also I would like to thank our attendees for almost always making room for me in the elevators and generally being caring and helpful even when they were being run into, tripped over, tailwhacked and whatnot.

I take home many wonderful memories from my first convention experienced from the inside of a suit. The heat is sooooo worth it.

Well, as "not anymore" team member I still went in every now and then - just to have a look if everything is fine, or if some trash or collapsed suiter is lying around or something needs to be refilled - but always everything was just fine - awesome job in an awesome lounge! You guys rock!

I think I just don't comment on "showers in the lounge"... I'm out of words on that anyway...


--- Quote from: Cheetah on 29.08.2013, 12:08:18 ---

How do they look? Are they labelled "Fursuit Lounge?" If stuff is not clearly labelled with the name of the department, it will stay in storage because nobody from the packing team will ever know to whom it belongs :)

--- End quote ---

Sehen aus wie grosse gelbe bzw grüne konische Mülleimer.
Mit einem sehr dicken Rand weil Aufstellfläche und einem glatten als Sitzfläche ausgelegten Boden aussen.
Ist kein Beinbruch, überbleibsel eines FSGS Spielt mal, und wollte nur die wo sinnvoll wissen, bevor ich die einfach entsorge.
Zumindest weicht man da keine bezogenen Stühle mit ner klatschnassen Fursuit auf, und der Tail klemmt auch nicht wo ein :D
Und Abuzze geht auch klinisch rein ;)

Alles kein Stress, dachte nur vorhin, "haste ja garnicht gesehen in der FL" ;)

Hey there!

Despite our traditional internal "disputes" about who handles what at the parade, I nevertheless must speak up here and congratulate the tiny-ish team that does Fursuit Support for their excellent work in the lounge. No need to go into detail, as others already did that, but I'm amazed how well the lounge worked out again, despite last-second fan availability problems and the huge onslaught of suiters. *claps slowly*

Oh, by the way Gyro, I will need 30 security and 1 or 2 ahead teams next year for... err..hey,..put that hammer down ..noo. nooooo..sit..staaaay.. *runs*


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