Eurofurence Information > Feedback

Big thank you to the fursuit team (Also complaints and feedback now ;-) )

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and don´t forget:
- seperated space with couches and a big-screen-TV
- a privat pool right next to the suitlounge just for suiters
- lockers for each suiter to put their stuff in
- a big safe with different lockboxes for articles of value
- a cooling chamber (like they got in butcher shops) for a fast cooldown
- a fountain with perfumed water to make the lounge smell some better
- a buffet with fresh fruits for refreshing
- a dryingsystem with one blower per suiter to attach bodysuit, head and paws to, to not being forced to seperate all your stuff

it was sarcasm, but if we could get that stuff, I would love it :P

OK, it happened.. again..

since everyone seems so eager to discuss problems and has genius ideas on how to improve things instantly after EF, rather then being happy for a few days about the free services that they got already...
Your wish is my command, and this shall now be the general feedback thread including suggestions and complaints.

--- Quote from: Sinea on 29.08.2013, 08:55:50 ---Hello Suiters :)
I was one of the Member in Mystifur´s Team and i also would share a few thinks i would say.

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Since you're saying this in public, let me get this straight, in public: NO. YOU. WERE. NOT.
(Now deleted original post has been archived)

If you were,
1) you'd have been involved in the planning of the lounge and already knew that every single one of your points was discussed, and is either NOT TRUE, or not possible
2) you would have actually worked there
3) you would have brought up these suggestions either before the con in the actual staff forum, or spoken to me on site, instead of putting it here, despite my plea right above to not do that.

You ma'am, are part of Tigerseyes Badge Team, because you explicitely said Oh-i-cannot-do-any-hard-labor-like-carrying-60-liter-water-kegs, i-do-not-want-to-built-the-dryer-system-or-break-it-down, i-cannot-carry-water-for-the-entire-parade, but still said can-i-please-please-please-be on-a-staff-position-so-i-can-get-in-the-lounge-with-suiters-to-help-them-with-simple-things.

--- Quote from: Sinea on 29.08.2013, 08:55:50 ---- Shower´s and some basin´s anywhere around the Fursuitlounge would be an perfect idea (better Hygiene Situation)

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And I'm sure you know how to do that in a hotel hall, right ? Please, enlighten us !

--- Quote from: Sinea on 29.08.2013, 08:55:50 ---- Some changing room´s for "been ashamed" Fursuiter´s would be a nice idea

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Yea, why didn't anyone of us think of that for the last 12 years ? Oh, right, because we did that and the only thing happening was that everyone left their stuff there and within 1 hour no one could use it any more because it was full.

--- Quote from: Sinea on 29.08.2013, 08:55:50 ---- Some Sagrotan and more Febrezze (last year there where more bottles, if i remember right)

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No, you don't. If this came from an attendee, I'd be surpised that he didn't see that there were both Sagrotan disinfectant AND Febreze on all the tables all the time. Coming from someone who even _claims_ to be on the team..what can I say.

--- Quote from: Sinea on 29.08.2013, 08:55:50 ---- more constructions to dry the whole Fursuitstuff

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Yea, I'll just use the entire stage area too, no ? We have about 3*60 dryer spots.. we only need 3*650 to cater for everyone. Sounds easy enough to me.

--- Quote from: Sinea on 29.08.2013, 08:55:50 ---- some furniture´s to chill out (maybe more chairs would be a solution)

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We want more chairs, so we can sit more ! We want less chairs, because they take too much room, and we fall over them all the time ! No, more chairs. And a Video feed for the shows! No less chairs, because the suiters need to be able to move in the lounge!

--- Quote from: Sinea on 29.08.2013, 08:55:50 ---- bigger Straws (maybe the big one for Sangria, not that size for a cocktail cup)

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Like...the ones that were there most of the time, except the extension day ? ..In the lounge where suiters can as well just take the head of, if need be.

So, to everyone else reading here: I'm extremely sorry for this rant. But that bold post was beyond me post-EF-stress-level-control and needed to be adressed.

_I really do_ apprechiate all your input and suggestions. We may not be able to use all of them.
Many things have already been tried and didn't work, or while solving one issue, created another problem. Many ideas require constant 24/7 surpervision or handling. And unless you're willing to spend your own convention time on this, there is the possibility that other volunteers don't want to either.
If we can improve things with _reasonable_ additional effort, and it doesn't cause other problems, we will very likely do so! So when you see a problem, you'd help us alot if you also have a suggestion how to solve that.

But sometimes, to us it just feels like Louis CK said in "Everything is amazing, and nobody is happy"
from 3:55 to 4:25 (or maybe even to 5:35, for some)


--- Quote from: Furvan on 29.08.2013, 09:26:33 ---
--- Quote from: Sinea on 29.08.2013, 08:55:50 ---- some furniture´s to chill out (maybe more chairs would be a solution)

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That remembers me not seeing the 10 plastic stools i donated last year for the FL.
Did they got forget in the storage or for other reason ?

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How do they look? Are they labelled "Fursuit Lounge?" If stuff is not clearly labelled with the name of the department, it will stay in storage because nobody from the packing team will ever know to whom it belongs :)

If you're ashamed/embarassed and just need to cool off: the fans the team gives us are so good, simply keep your head on, tilt it and enjoy direct airflow into the mouth/eyes.

I don't really like to go headless either but that's my choice and my problem, so my own hotel room is my 'secret' changing room and I just make sure to be 100% cool before I brave the elevators. Some things are just...your own issue, IMHO.

Tip for next year: I also bring my own Febreze/alcohol (disinfectant I mean, lol) and a fan for in the hotel room. The fursuit lounge is a much appreciated extra service for me, but they are NOT there to fix all of my unique little fursuiting needs. It is an excellent room to relax, cool down and recharge. Anything else I do in my hotel room.

I have to say, that I was pretty overwhelmed by the fursuit-lounge. It was my first time at the EF with a suit, so I was kinda looking forward to see that mysterious room. ^^

It was amazing... a great way to cool down in front of the big fan or one of the smaller ones, especially during the more... exhausting events. ^^

All the equipment was amazing as well, and the refreshments were well appreciated. ^^

So from me as well a big thank-you to the whole crew.


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