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Cocktails at the bar

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--- Quote from: Tsanawo on 28.08.2014, 08:07:46 ---The issue with the large beers is a simple matter of the glasses running out. You can only store so many large glasses at a bar and if people don't bring them back...  ;)
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Semi-true.  At many points, there were half litre glasses available, but still they (the Atrium bar) refused to serve them.  To my understanding, the staff simply did what they were told by their manager (who didn't seem to enjoy the con quite as much), as one of them was about to start serving a large, but was told off by said manager.

Was solved by going to the piano bar instead.  Mr Donkey was a really nice chap and knew what we (who went there) wanted.  :-)

I kept to beer at the con (of reasons), so cannot say much about the cocktails.


--- Quote from: Ralesk on 27.08.2014, 22:09:17 ---Question: Is it normal that a coke (for 3.80€, was it?) is a glass filled to the top with ice, and the gaps sorta filled with coke?  I'm not really well experienced with hotels and soft drinks, but that seemed horrible to me.

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Yes, at almost every venue I've drunk at.

Which is why you learn to say "Coke please, no ice" and rehearse it until the last two words roll off your tongue automatically :)
The vast majority are OK with this. A few charge a little extra, others refuse outright -- to the latter, I change my order to a tap water, which most alcohol-serving bars will usually provide for free ^.^

Simples!  ;D

Tap water is common to be free in the UK but over here it's common to get mineral water and for it to have a (low) price.

Aragon R. Tigerseye:
While I heard from many that the cocktails were watered down and / or badly made, the two alcoholic drinks for me for this year, a black ice and a pina collada (both from the Atrium bar) were done okay enough to my (inexperienced) tastes even tho I found the pina collada to be a bit too steep at 11 Euros for a "okay enough" cocktail.

The thing that got me grumbly every time without fail was the Atrium bars policy on softdrink sizes, tho:
For the first coke I ordered there on Monday I was asked "normal size coke or 0.5 liters?". Afterwards every other time I asked for a big coke I was told there weren't enough glasses. Even if I could see 20+ of the big beer glasses right in front of me.
I mean okay, I'd get if there's a policy not to sell coke in big glasses because you can make an euro more for beer in the same glass, but why then even offer it at all?

One of the "best" occurrences when that whole thing happened for me was on Tuesday, when I asked for a big coke and was told in those exact (if translated) words "We don't have a big softdrink size" in a not too friendly tone. The guy behind the bar did flip over to an equally unfriendly "we are out of glasses" (which again I could see was not true, especially since I just bought in a 0.5l glass myself, but eh).
I would've complained to the hotel then and there but I was expected elsewhere at the time so I just chalked it up to a onetime incident and went on.


--- Quote from: Aragon R. Tigerseye on 29.08.2014, 14:56:54 ---One of the "best" occurrences when that whole thing happened for me was on Tuesday, when I asked for a big coke and was told in those exact (if translated) words "We don't have a big softdrink size" in a not too friendly tone. The guy behind the bar did flip over to an equally unfriendly "we are out of glasses" (which again I could see was not true, especially since I just bought in a 0.5l glass myself, but eh).
I would've complained to the hotel then and there but I was expected elsewhere at the time so I just chalked it up to a onetime incident and went on.

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This matches my experience with that bar pretty well. A lot of the staff (Especially the manager) seemed sour and were quite often rude.


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