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EF20 Art Show feedback for artists

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I don't think of digital artwork being cheap and easy at all. Of course it is the same hard work as doing a traditional painting.
But the feeling of the beholder is different. If I hang up a large high quality print, most people will say: "Oh, you've got a nice poster there." But if I hang up a piece of traditional artwork, they'll say: "That's some nice art you have there."
The really downside for me (personaly) is the lack of the unique feeling. Even when it's a single print, you know the artist could make more anytime and they'd be all exact the same. A traditional artwork is always unique. You can draw it a second time, but there will be slight differences. I don't know how to explain it, but that feels way more better (to me).
You can compare it to music. Having a record to listen to is nice. But being at a live concert is so much different.

Again, I didn't want to put you down. I always appreciate the hard work of an artist, no matter how it's been done.

Fafnir Kristensen:

--- Quote from: Schorse on 06.09.2014, 12:44:47 ---@SiranaJHelena:

I don't think of digital artwork being cheap and easy at all. Of course it is the same hard work as doing a traditional painting.
But the feeling of the beholder is different. If I hang up a large high quality print, most people will say: "Oh, you've got a nice poster there." But if I hang up a piece of traditional artwork, they'll say: "That's some nice art you have there."
The really downside for me (personaly) is the lack of the unique feeling. Even when it's a single print, you know the artist could make more anytime and they'd be all exact the same. A traditional artwork is always unique. You can draw it a second time, but there will be slight differences. I don't know how to explain it, but that feels way more better (to me).
You can compare it to music. Having a record to listen to is nice. But being at a live concert is so much different.

Again, I didn't want to put you down. I always appreciate the hard work of an artist, no matter how it's been done.

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put the print in a frame, nobody will notice it's not traditional unless they look close :D


--- Quote from: Bezel on 05.09.2014, 09:52:31 ---
--- Quote from: Fafnir Kristensen on 04.09.2014, 23:18:50 ---err, what? artists should do small pieces because you cant fit it in your luggage?
the fuck, seriously, get real. if the art is too large, bad luck to you, really.

and if you see a piece you really want and you cant take it with you, seek someone else traveling by car who goes to the same area than you (plenty of people traveling by car from pretty much any european country) or get a package at a post office, wrap in bubblewrap and ship as fragile, of course it's not free, but it's doable...

beside, glass is not a problem if you correctly wrap the frame and, of course, have a rigid luggage.

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No, I think you've misunderstood my post. At no point did I request artists should change the size of their art - that's a decision entirely for them to make, and suggesting they should all "do small pieces so I can get them in my luggage" is both stupid and conceited - my apologies to you if you misunderstood this. The point I was trying to make was that size is a limiting factor for many travellers and that large pieces are therefore being aimed at an inherently smaller market of potential buyers.

As regards getting a friend with a car to take it - sure - if they're willing, if they have space and if you live anywhere near them. However those from, say, the USA or Australia may have a problem finding someone with a car who can drive it back for them ;) Based on previous experience, I'd personally (note - I say personally !) be highly reluctant to ship anything fragile and valuable by post.

Glass might not be a problem if you have the space to multi-wrap it in something that can cushion it - however, plastic requires less cushioning and is inherently safer for transport.

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As an artist, my recommendation to anyone not travelling by car but looking to make purchases in the art show is to invest a little cash in a large hard-shell suitcase. I got ours from Tesco for under £40 and it's survived a ton of trips, if you have a bigger budget you could get something even bigger and fancier. When I have had to transport artshow stuff in a plane (or even the one glass fronted frame I had this year in the car) I've put the work in the hardshell suitcase packed in with clothes/bubblewrap, and never had an issue. Definitely worth it and you'll appreciate it if you're buying anything else a bit fragile too, at the con or on another holiday!

Custom frame sizes - in the USA I get mine from, they're very affordable. There is probably a similar thing in Europe. "Frames by Post" maybe? Lol.

Large format art - Please don't stop! I love large format art, but I wish the art show/artist could be more helpful on the shipping end. If the artist would simply bring a sturdy shipping-suitable box* to hold the art and offer to ship it at cost, I might bid on something that doesn't fit in my suitcase. Sadly the art show at EF20 wasn't as great as EF19. There was far less large format and canvas art this year. Success at the art show isn't always about effort but about making an impression. Things that really show well in person are canvas, textured paints, metallics, and anything 3d.

* A sturdy shipping-suitable box means the UPS man can back his truck tire over it and the contents will still be ok!

Thing is, two thirds of the potential buyers would not need such a box, and might not want to pay for it -- which lowers the revenue for many artists by the price of said box.

Hmm. What could work, though, if one of the sellers in the Dealers' Den would sell such boxes / frames / basically all kind of art supplies. I wonder whether someone would be willing to sell such items for those who might need them ...


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