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80's Dance at the Eurofurence 21. An Reflection.

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They should probably call it the 80s to 90s dance, but yeah I certainly enjoyed it!


--- Quote from: Kristofferson Silverfox on 25.08.2015, 19:21:23 ---I really liked the 80s dance. You and everyone who was organizing the event did a great job. The only wish I have would be that you should stick to 80s music. I remember that after some time the music was switched to 90s dance music for some time.

However, apart from that it was awesome and it is one event I already look forward to in the next year.

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At one point I thought: “Too bad, they are not playing 80s anymore now. So I can go to bed as well.” When I turned on EF Prime in my room, it was 80s again. So I returned to the dancefloor and … the music hat changed again to 90s, 00s, 10s, whatever. (I can’t distinguish between those.)
Well, I had a great night, anyway.  ;D


--- Quote from: Langohr on 31.08.2015, 21:05:00 ---
--- Quote from: Kristofferson Silverfox on 25.08.2015, 19:21:23 ---I really liked the 80s dance. You and everyone who was organizing the event did a great job. The only wish I have would be that you should stick to 80s music. I remember that after some time the music was switched to 90s dance music for some time.

However, apart from that it was awesome and it is one event I already look forward to in the next year.

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At one point I thought: “Too bad, they are not playing 80s anymore now. So I can go to bed as well.” When I turned on EF Prime in my room, it was 80s again. So I returned to the dancefloor and … the music hat changed again to 90s, 00s, 10s, whatever. (I can’t distinguish between those.)
Well, I had a great night, anyway.  ;D

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Fuzzy had the idea to play also music from the 90th He wanted it necessarily.
So we let him play his 90'th music.

And as we always alternated us, that came about, what you have heard.

I will actually apologise for playing the 90s stuff... The way we originally had planned it was, as I understood it, to be the same as last year... start off with early 80's tunes, then creep up through the years and nudge into the 90s towards the end of the evening.
Apparently that wasn't what people really wanted this year... and after playing a couple of 90s tracks I noticed this so didn't play any more (except for a couple of silly mashups of 80s tracks with some modern stuff... but that's still acceptable, right?) ;)
If the brief from the get-go would have been *only* 80's tracks _and nothing else_ then I would have stuck to that, of course.

Ah well... glad everyone had as much fun dancing as we did DJing ;)

The only bad stuff from my perspective were:

- Too much smoke at some points (I believe the smoke machine behind the DJs got stuck 'on' and had to be unplugged!)

- Low/no lighting at the beginning (the lighting crew apologised for this right from the get-go: the lighting rig had crashed and they had no controls at all and were rebuilding it all as the dance was in progress... which is why the lighting got better and better throughout the night)

- DJs standing too far from the dancefloor - we couldn't even see the dancefloor for the most part... I was shocked to see just how many people were dancing... only by looking at photos people have been uploading taken from the dancefloor...

Here's what we could see (a photo I took while DJing)

This photo was taken at 22:50 and (I am told) there were over 200 people on the dancefloor at the time... so... yeah...

- One final thing: the bass... whoever decided it was a good idea to have the bass speakers under the stage... that vinyl players were going to be sitting on... well... heh... no :)
We had to get them to cut the bass speaker every time we switched to vinyl, or else the head would just skitter around...  Next time I suggest we have vinyl players on *solid* ground, or a floating surface.

So... not really much bad at all from my view... waaaay more funstuff than those few negative points :) 

Big thanks to all involved, and also to everyone that turned up and danced!
So glad you all enjoyed the opening night of the con as much as we did :)



--- Quote ---- One final thing: the bass... whoever decided it was a good idea to have the bass speakers under the stage... that vinyl players were going to be sitting on... well... heh... no

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I'm replying because I talked to Garra while it was happening :) Placing the subwoofers in front of the stage or partly under the stage is pretty standard, and there is not really a different viable position for subwoofers. However, nobody really knew that turntables were going to be used. So the solution for next time is to thing of renting isolation mats:


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