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80's Dance at the Eurofurence 21. An Reflection.

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--- Quote from: Cheetah on 01.09.2015, 17:40:06 ---
--- Quote ---- One final thing: the bass... whoever decided it was a good idea to have the bass speakers under the stage... that vinyl players were going to be sitting on... well... heh... no

--- End quote ---

I'm replying because I talked to Garra while it was happening :) Placing the subwoofers in front of the stage or partly under the stage is pretty standard, and there is not really a different viable position for subwoofers. However, nobody really knew that turntables were going to be used. So the solution for next time is to thing of renting isolation mats:

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Gute Idee, Cheetah.
Bin gespannt wieviel Resonanzvibrationen diese Matten  schlucken.

Ich scheine der einzigste zu sein, der Erfahrung mit Vinyl hat.
Mein Technics hat echt das meiste geschluckt, aber bei den Vibrationen des Bodens  (unsere Füße wurden sehr stark Massiert ;) ) mußte auch er hart kämpfen, und wir mußten den Baß runter ziehen.

Man hätte mich mit meinen Vinyls, einfach neben der Bühne auf einen kleinen stabilen Extra-Tisch plazieren sollen, ich schätze dann hätten wir keine Probleme gehabt.

Denn der Saalboden vibrierte wesentlich weniger als der Bühnenboden.

Aber nun gut, es hat den Leuten ja auch mit weniger Bass gefallen.

Hatte nicht jemand auf der EF 18  auch Tunrntables dabei?

Good idea, Cheetah.
I'm curious how much resonance vibrations swallow these mats.

I seem to be the only one who has experience with vinyl has.
My Technics has really swallowed most, but when the vibrations of the ground (our feet were heavily massaged;)) he also had to fight hard, and we had to pull the bass down.

One would have me placing my vinyls, just next to the stage on a small stable extra-table, I guess we would have had no problems.

Because the hall floor vibrated substantially less than the stage floor.

But well, it has the people like so well with less bass.

Had not someone on the EF 18 also Tunrntables here?

Please bring those inflatable props back next year, everybody loved them  ;D

Blue Raptor:
It was really cool and very useable.
Just to make it even better: Please try to play the original / well-known versions of the songs. Some of the songs (likely because there was no time to listen into every song) were strange remixes / remakes or alternate versions where the singing parts suddenly disappeared, or looped or went off-pace, and I am very convinced that while likely few non-Germans know the German text of Peter Schillings Major Tom, virtually NOBODY knew the ENGLISH version. :)

Aside from that, very cool thing, it rocked.

Shall i come back with my Vinyls and of course original Versions of the 80'th Songs on EF22?

Arctic Steve:
Was fun and entertaining watching the 80's dance on EF Prime. Awesome tunes and I shall be watching it again next year ^^


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