Eurofurence Information > Feedback

EF23 Feedback (2017)

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--- Quote from: Alastago on 25.08.2017, 23:12:03 ---lanyards with a safety breakaway clip.
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James The Dog:

--- Quote from: Suicune on 25.08.2017, 17:46:11 ---- People hugged me without asking, some nearly threw themselves at me
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I've had that too. I hate it, it makes me uncomfortable. If i want hugs, I'll ask for them, and then it won't be from strangers. Though of course it's not something you can blame the con itself for. Some people seem to think if you're in suit then it's an invitation to be hugged and scritched- it isn't.

Sadly no matter how much you give this advice to attendees, some will still do it.


--- Quote from: Alastago on 25.08.2017, 23:12:03 ---This came up in the group chat and several people liked the idea so I'll just leave this small feedback here. Some other conventions offer lanyards with a safety breakaway clip. Such as this. This is infinitely useful when fursuiting, as it makes getting the fursuit badge completely over the head a lot easier without fiddling(including a fan cable I have running from my head).
It would be wonderful if EF can offer lanyards like these, too.

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Forgetting putting on the badge before the head, how often did that happen to me... And taking off the head, adjust mask, putting on the badge and then head again is a little bit annoying, so it was fiddled over the head every time.
Would really appreciate openable lanyards. But I'm afraid a piece of plastic could be uncomfortable to wear when it's in the middle. At least when it comes to the lanyard size the EF uses right now. This snap system shown on the pic doesn't seem to be really safe when it's bad done. Afaik I got one of these and it opens too easy.
If you got an EF lanyard in the ticket color you use next year again, you could modify the one you already have.


--- Quote from: Suicune on 26.08.2017, 01:31:13 ---This snap system shown on the pic doesn't seem to be really safe when it's bad done. Afaik I got one of these and it opens too easy.
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The depicted system is not really made for repeated use and will wear out quickly.
However it would be quite easy to just cut the ribbbon and press a snap fastener/press stud (Druckknopf) on. Maybe offer such as a service, for charity?

First of all i would like to thank all of the Staff Team to make this Eurofurence possible. It was once more a amazing event, and one of my highlights during this Year.

I would also like to give some feedback, regarding things that were especially positive to me, and also the things that were more on the negative side. Im aware, that some things are probably more in the responsibility of the hotel, nevertheless i would like to mention them too.


-Overall organization and friendliness of the EF Staff and Security
-Neon Dance (A great addition to the dances in my opinion)
-Dead Dog Dance (i liked the location a lot, the DJs were once more a blast! What a Party!)
-Snack Buffet
-Paws on Fire (A must have for next Year!)
-The Egyptian Paradise Event (Fursuiters who serve you food and drinks, that was really nice :3)
-The Discount Leaflet for local restaurants
-Fursuit lounge

-Music Volume during the mainstage dances (to low)
-To much light during the mainstage dances (except for the fursuit friendly dance, where this is of course ok)
-No Tail rule in the artshow (thats just absurd)
-No Badge control/check at the rotunda
-Air condition in the hotel rooms seemed to function not properly
-Keycard check at the elevators was still active during the first days of the Con, delaying the use of the elevators
-Smell of the large waste bins at the Elevators (Probably because of the disposal of diapers and other personal hygiene products in them. Would it be possible to handout special waste bags to people who are dependant  on such things? I heard of other Cons doing so. Seems like a clean and easy solution, imho.)
-Mobile audio systems/speakers of some fursuiters. (It was kinda annoying, and appears to be the new way of getting more attention...)
-Closing ceremony (It was to short in relation how long people needed to queue for it)
-The already known delay problem with the pawpet show and the following events
-Paws on Fire and Gameshow during the same time.

Thank you & best regards



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