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Eurofurence 28 — "Cyberpunk"
Sep 18 – 21, 2024
CCH — Congress Center Hamburg


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 on: 12.08.2022, 14:55:10 
Started by OutBlacked - Last post by OutBlacked
Hey, i am looking for 2 Tickets of Any kind, preferably one Normal, one Super Sponsor.

My Telegram is @OutBlacked

Thanks for any response in advance =]

I found 2 tickets. Thanks to anyone reading this.

 on: 12.08.2022, 14:33:15 
Started by ScoutVanHowlen - Last post by ScoutVanHowlen
Hi there,

sorry, if there's already another thread covering this topic. A search for "Glympse" showed no results.

I just wanted to ask if there will be an invitation to use Glympse at EF26  on the Eurofurence website as this was the case during previous EF conventions.
Me myself, I'd like to use it.  :) Thanks for a quick answer. Have a nice day, everyfur!


 on: 12.08.2022, 13:59:00 
Started by Tomo Husky - Last post by Zefiro
what difference 3,5 years can make :)


 on: 12.08.2022, 05:59:14 
Started by Tomo Husky - Last post by Sky the Husky
Can't find the username for husky, too

 on: 10.08.2022, 22:05:02 
Started by Tomo Husky - Last post by Suran
Telegram says it can't find the username for the fox

 on: 08.08.2022, 08:18:32 
Started by Cheetah - Last post by Haku

Start will be around 10:00 with Breakfast and 11:00 with actual work. (both days, Saturday and Sunday).
Saturday has Catering at 18:00 and we will stay until around midnight.
Sunday has only Breakfast, no second food break, and will end at about 16:00-ish?
We will have enough water, coffee, and softdrinks on site.

Stuff that you can bring with you:

Working Gloves
Sunscreen lotion / a hat (depending on weather, because we will work inside and outside) / something to wear if it gets colder in the night
a mask for spraypainting / glueing (...these days everybody has some FFP 2^^)
Snacks & Drinks if you want to have anything else than the stuff we provide
a Multitool / knife can come in handy if you have one
Clothes / shoes that can get dirty and can even get a permanent paint stain...
if you bring equipment / tools mark them with your name, people tend to use them and everything gets mixed up quickly

Oh, and please bring a plate and cuttlery for breakfast / Catering if you can so we can reduce the usage of cardboard and plastic stuff (but we will have them on site as a backup for you)

 on: 07.08.2022, 17:19:42 
Started by Suran - Last post by Suran

I organize the yearly recording and editing of the Paw Pet Show recording.
While the great crew of EF-Prime has the momentous task of covering all of EF without pause and doing that live, without mistakes.
We have the advantage of preparing half a year for a single show and taking well over a year to produce the best show we possibly can.
Tweaking every cut, fine-tuning the colours, light and grain. Re-doing the entire sound for the vastly different environment of a home cinema as opposed to a stage.
For that we temporarily add some additional film equipment that is made for very different workflows then live TV.
People with a passion for amateur cinema and film production get a chance to see their handywork or at least the shiny equipment they are proud of used to the best of all our abilities.

Organising that means a lot of organisation, asking for help and equipment, finding ways to combine all the cool stuff that people offer and a ton of logistics.
And as a reward you get to be part of something great and as a bonus even get to play around with fancy stuff that you otherwise only get to see on youtube
reports of NAB ...and of cause get to show off your own skills and fancy toys you are eager to use in earnest.

One part of this job is to actually set up all the fancy equipment in front of the stage.
That means a lot of cables on Tuesday or Thursday night (the easy part)
but also moving in all the shiny cameras, lenses, recorders and other temporary video equipment,
placing them where they are supposed to be, connecting everything up and giving them a test.

Of cause you could go on and operate any of them yourself.
A moving camera with a steady hand given a heads-up on upcoming events by interkom,
a stationary camera requiring just focus and a change in exposure every now and then
or actually just sit back in the audience, choosing not to know a single thing about the script
before you watch it life for the first time. (Without having to wait in the queue and dips on any seat.)

That second part with setting up all that shiny tech always happens on Saturday. Before the closing ceremory.
There is way more time allowed for it then we have ever needed. No rush.
It's all sorted and labeled and packed ahead of EF for every position.
The cables have already been put place two days earlier and tested on the rehersal the day before.
All the setup-positions are already agreed uppond with the stage management and temporary camera-podests show up out of nowhere.
But.... it will always be at the same time as Dealers Den.
So as the one who organises it, I can not be present.
I can only be a few doors away with a radio or phone, ready to answer questions.

I'm looking for a volunteer who can help me do this.
I like to work hard but I can't be in two places at once every year and could really need a second in command, so to speak.
Since EF is coming up, I wanted to post this early as there will be an obvious opportunity for me to not only tell but show.

One part we're surpsisingly always in need of are people who can watch the semi-final show serveral times...
and give specific feedback about improving our editing (timing and chosen camera angles) and colour grading.
The shows are so good, most people simply get cought up in the great story until the credits roll and totally forget
about feedback. ;)

It is for this task, that we are always looking for volunteers.
Given the stress of the upcomming EF, it's best to contact me about this one after the convention. ;)

 on: 07.08.2022, 11:12:14 
Started by Cheetah - Last post by Dunkelpfote
Hello everyone!

Got two quick questions as a first-timer: Is there a rough time when we should appear on Saturday so to not miss anything and is there anything we should bring besides our will to work?  :)

Thanks and see you Saturday!

 on: 07.08.2022, 11:07:54 
Started by Cheetah - Last post by ScoutVanHowlen

In case you are still looking for more helpers, I’d like to join in, too.

Basically, I could just copy Dunkelpfote’s post: I have used most tools described above before and, while not being a professional craftsman, I think I could lend you a paw. I’m ready to learn what I don’t know yet and I pick up things rather quickly.
Accommodation would not be necessary for me, as I live nearby.

This would be my first time, too, so I’d be glad for a little assistance at the beginning.  :)

 on: 06.08.2022, 12:09:35 
Started by Yarac - Last post by xtorbenx
im interested if this is still available,
im in berlin 24-28.
my telegram is @xtorbenx

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