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Stairs and elevators...

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Quincy the Raccoon:
Yeah, tried the staircases once and MAN that was NOISY! You could not hear yourself think in those hallways... and the elevators... strange stuff was going on -- when you pushed a button it would stop at a floor where no-one was there... ghostelevator?!


--- Quote from: SunWolf on 23.08.2011, 10:11:05 ---Yeah, tried the staircases once and MAN that was NOISY! You could not hear yourself think in those hallways... and the elevators... strange stuff was going on -- when you pushed a button it would stop at a floor where no-one was there... ghostelevator?!

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No, people pushed the button but grew tired of waiting, so they moved on, exacerbating the situation.


--- Quote from: krakendwaggin on 22.08.2011, 17:41:54 ---Yes, I was in a lift and someone was talking about if they pressed a button and another button it would go from your floor to your destination without stopping at the interim floors, I had to bite my tongue to prevent a outburst of rage, I really wanted to say "you selfish ****!"

--- End quote ---

Yes, someone mentioned that to me, too. I tried it a few times out of curiosity, and I can officially confirm: No, that does not work.


 I didnt really find it a problem....

I was on the 5th floor, sometimes you had to wait ages for an elevator but there were people around that I didnt know and I just talked to them and got to know them:) so it was a good ice breaker.  I wasnt in a particular hurry to get anywhere, was a relaxing atmosphere the lobby would always be there, my friends would always be there, the dances were still dancing, so didnt really matter if the elevator was slow or I had to wait for the next one.

And if I was in suit waiting for an elevator I just interacted with whoever was there while I was waiting, so the lifts didnt really bother me.

However... in the case of elevators not stopping at floors due to people messing with buttons.  I was waiting by the glass elevators a few times and despite pressing the call button, several lifts just went straight passed the floor.  So not sure if this was someone pressing code buttons or not.

I think the emergency stairs in the back on the right side (next to the art show) were closed, but the ones in the front left (next to the reception, kinda hidden though, Max_Haibane showed them to me, I never saw them last year) were fully open at least up to the 5th floor.


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