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Stairs and elevators...

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From what I observed only a few guests took the opportunity to make use of the open staircases. I even saw lots of guests using the elevators for just going down one (1) floor. Despite that for some reasons not all staircases were unlocked, making more use of them would relax the situation a lot.

Only the staircases on the side of the reception (left side) where opened and fitted with door handles (because the hotel simply had not enough door handles to fit all staircases)
I used them a lot while traveling the hotel from from ground to 7th floor and had never had a problem reaching the desired floor.


--- Quote from: Jaryic on 24.08.2011, 00:47:13 ---Only the staircases on the side of the reception (left side) where opened and fitted with door handles (because the hotel simply had not enough door handles to fit all staircases)

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If its just that its just a matter of some bucks and a good deal with a supplier of such handles. *notes down*


--- Quote from: davuu on 23.08.2011, 15:33:50 ---However... in the case of elevators not stopping at floors due to people messing with buttons.  I was waiting by the glass elevators a few times and despite pressing the call button, several lifts just went straight passed the floor.  So not sure if this was someone pressing code buttons or not.

--- End quote ---

The lifts also have a weight sensor in them, so if they're close to their weight limit they don't stop until they get to a destination.

I did get annoyed once when an elevator with only 2 people in it went straight past because some selfish idiot was holding down the emergency buttons. To that person, and people like them, I would like to say when you buy the lifts, then feel free to use them as you wish, but until then please realise that you are not the only person at the con. The clue is in the name, it's an emergency code, there for emergencies only, not for impatient and selfish people like yourselves.

Other than that I think the situation was much better this year. The queues for the lifts weren't nearly as long as last year and the stairs seemed to help a lot

I had no problem with the elevators. Sometimes you have to wait a little, but so what.

"Labelling" the stair houses is a good idea. Maybe some graphics with "you are here" and "these stairs lead to there" are possible.

The elevators had some problems and I missed to mention it to the hotel. Maybe this should be mentioned to them:

- the left elevator in the rear mixed up "up" and "down"

- the right one refused to open doors on -1 (parking level); it needed some manual help

- sometimes the buttons were blinking; this could freak out some sensible persons

- sometimes pressing buttons was not accepted / was ignored

- the special labels like "Rezeption" fell down; the labels made of brass might look nice, but on the convex surface they just do not work out

- the labelling in the elevators differ from that in the stair houses; from the point of usability and security they should be named consistent; especially when keeping in mind that the stairs normally used in emergency situations


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