Eurofurence Information > Feedback

Feedback from EF17

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--- Quote from: tiggieandsketchkat on 29.08.2011, 11:29:08 ---On the last night the last party was the one I was building up for and then I found that the fursuit room had been taken down and in its place was 3 fans. Brilliant! I know you wanted to pack up, but perhaps a note in the conbok at this last event saying "The fursuit room will be very limited because of closing of EF" would have helped me for a start!

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I recall the con book schedule did list the fursuit lounge as ending before the "dead dog" dance (same as last year), and having the small area in the lobby with the water and drinks was very welcome this year.

--- Quote from: tiggieandsketchkat on 29.08.2011, 11:29:08 ---The dances in the week never had enough airflow though them for suiters. I know this as I semi passed out from the heat.

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I didn't go in many times, but there were several very powerful fans to the edge of the dancefloor if you needed air, and the amazing fursuit lounge was only a very short walk away.

I've got some full feedback on the way, but I'd just like to say, please do NOT lower the volume of any of the music in the fursuit or BBF dances.  If people find it too loud, they can either not go or wear earplugs.  Don't spoil it for the rest of us.


--- Quote from: Elfasi on 29.08.2011, 18:20:17 ---I've got some full feedback on the way, but I'd just like to say, please do NOT lower the volume of any of the music in the fursuit or BBF dances.  If people find it too loud, they can either not go or wear earplugs.  Don't spoil it for the rest of us.

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I'm surprised people were finding it too loud. It seemed an appropriate level for a nightclub environment.


--- Quote from: tiggieandsketchkat on 29.08.2011, 11:29:08 ---
On the last night the last party was the one I was building up for and then I found that the fursuit room had been taken down and in its place was 3 fans. Brilliant! I know you wanted to pack up, but perhaps a note in the conbok at this last event saying "The fursuit room will be very limited because of closing of EF" would have helped me for a start!

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Here is what the conbook says:

What else should we do? Send you a personal messenger to your room telling you that the con is over now?

Honestly, the con is officially OVER on sunday noon.
Some of the staff members have to work on monday moning.

There is normally no fursuit lounge at all on that night, and i personally think it was great of our fursuit track manager to put up the mini lounge besides the bar.
He did that on his own and he had to do all the work, so instead of complaining about the size people should thank him for doing this.


Thanks a lot for mentioning it too :)

I don't think that the music was too loud at any point.

I enjoyed EF 17 very much, everyone did a great job, the staff from EF and the hotel was very nice and kind, the workshops were awesome and stunning, I loved every part of the EF. I really enjoyed the art show - it was magnificent!

I'm very thankful that smoking was not allowed, and that the hotel staff had no problem with us depositing our stuff at the reception quite often (and the coffee was great too : -)

It bears repeating and cannot be too highly praised what a great job you all did and how much almost all of us loved it, the convention was at a very high professional level. <3

I have nothing to complain about, and told about what I would like to have improved in another thread already (less intermissions, more moderate water prices, German security, younger host).

EF was one of my personal highlights of the year 2011 and the greatest convention I've ever been at (as was EF 16 in the year before : -).

Thanks so much to everyone of you!



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