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Feedback from EF17

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--- Quote from: gaz_a on 29.08.2011, 18:02:26 ---I didn't go in many times, but there were several very powerful fans to the edge of the dancefloor if you needed air, and the amazing fursuit lounge was only a very short walk away.

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Yep, this video proofs it:
At some of the dances someone asked me to open the windows of the room to let more fresh air in, but I doubt that this is possible, because of the neighbourhood having a hard time getting sleep with the loud music coming out of the hotel windows. Maybe the air condition of the main stage could be turned up next time?

About the loudness discussion - the loudness at the Kenai dance was perfect for me and nobody seemed to complain about it being too silent. The BBF dance was ok in the beginning, but at some point was just pain in the ear. I talked to BBF about it the next day and he shared my impression, but indicated that he couldn't do anything about it, because somebody else had the control of the master level.


--- Quote from: CleanerWolf on 29.08.2011, 19:28:34 ---At some of the dances someone asked me to open the windows of the room to let more fresh air in, but I doubt that this is possible, because of the neighbourhood having a hard time getting sleep with the loud music coming out of the hotel windows. Maybe the air condition of the main stage could be turned up next time?

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The ventilation system was already at maximum capacity. Opening the windows would have made it worse ... and of course you're absolutely right about the neighbours. That would have gotten us shut down within minutes :)

--- Quote ---About the loudness discussion - the loudness at the Kenai dance was perfect for me and nobody seemed to complain about it being too silent. The BBF dance was ok in the beginning, but at some point was just pain in the ear. I talked to BBF about it the next day and he shared my impression, but indicated that he couldn't do anything about it, because somebody else had the control of the master level.

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Ear fatigue of audio operators becomes a serious issue at long-running events like these. Maybe we should get ourself a dB-Meter next time, and actually measure the loudness.


--- Quote from: Cheetah on 29.08.2011, 23:12:36 ---Maybe we should get ourself a dB-Meter next time, and actually measure the loudness.
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I would very much appreciate this!

Regardless of whether it really got louder and louder with each year or some of us just getting older (with this year I'm also including myself, used ear-plugs for the first time ever at a dance and always enjoed the loudness) , it would be good to know the actual level is measured and thus held rather constant.



--- Quote from: Vector on 25.08.2011, 19:43:22 ---Fursuit gameshow : I would love to see more physical fursuit games and less puzzles or dexterity games. Maybe it's impossible because of the limited depth of the stage (because of the PPS setup) ? Could we have the main stage configuration like Enter the Arena for the fursuit gameshow ?

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The depth and overall size of the stage is in fact one of our main limitations for the game selection. We also tried to balance in-audience and on-stage games to optimize setup/teardown times and there is only so much non-puzzle games that can take place on that narrow stage... by now all events on there are pretty much set up around the ever growing pawpet stage ;)
We are of course always open for suggestions, but please keep in mind that we have to make sure they work for the show, so please don't be disappointed should your suggestion not make it into the show.

Greetings, Atkelar

The Pawpet stage has last gown in depth. when we went to the Ringberg Hotel.

Since EF13 the depth is constant at 2,5m with the front stage at 4m depth.
Only the width expanded from 6m to 7,5m and the front stage from 10m to 15m (12m between the projection screens) with the move to the Maritim Stage. There is no change in any size parameter, except Playrail height, compared to last year.

Please consult the facts before you let yourself get ruled by assumptions.

There are limitations of the venue we have to work with and that will not change in near future.

Head of Stage


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