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Conbook - feedback and suggestions

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The conbook this year was great! I hope I can help out a bit more next year :)

--- Quote from: Cairyn on 28.08.2013, 11:38:12 ---
Question to readers: Since we got a new hotel next year, what do you think is the essential information you'd expect from the con book?

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I agree, maps! It would be awesome to have an extra sheet for taking away with a map of the surroundings of the hotel, much like the maps you get at tourist information.
Maybe on one side there could be the hotel floor plan and on the other side a map with surroundings such as stores, restaurants and pharmacies.

Maybe it is also possible to shorten recurring information such as convention rules a bit and include some information about the venue and the city!

Fafnir Kristensen:

--- Quote from: karpour on 28.08.2013, 14:35:18 ---The conbook this year was great! I hope I can help out a bit more next year :)

Maybe on one side there could be the hotel floor plan and on the other side a map with surroundings such as stores, restaurants and pharmacies.

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mmm, there was already one with the surroundings, the one with the various restaurants and shops offering special prices for EF attendee, it was on an extra A3 sheet folded that came with the conbook.

but having the hotel map on the other side could be a nice idea


--- Quote from: Cairyn on 28.08.2013, 11:38:12 ---
Question to readers: How about the table of content? Is it useful? Would it be better positioned on the inside cover for easy access?

Question to readers: Since we got a new hotel next year, what do you think is the essential information you'd expect from the con book?

--- End quote ---

I liked the table of contents. To me it’s not important if it is positioned on the inside cover or where it was now. As soon as you knew where to find it, it was useful. The references in the timetable to the page numbers of the event descriptions were very helpful too.

To second question: Maps, as said by the previous writers.

There was one more really little thing I want to mention: The character you used as a hyphen in compound words (like e.g. “open-minded”) was too wide in my opinion. This may sound like nitpicking, but I really always got stuck in reading because I misread this sign for a dash. Interestingly, the hyphen that was used for syllable division at line endings was shorter, how it should be.

In any case: Thanks for your great work.

Big kudos to the Conbook team! For the first time, you did a wonderful job. This was the prettiest and most useful conbook I ever held in my paws. High-quality artwork, nice paper quality and a clean and elegant layout.

Also, thanks for the useful additions: Finally we had a table of content and page references <3 It also bears repeating that the artist's portraits were a really nice touch. Not sure if we need to introduce our directors that way. In my opinion, there's too many hard-working volunteers at this con to just select a few.

(Edit: Got rid of a potentially provocative sentence that wasn't about the conbook.)

I think that generally conbook was great. Colorful and useful, as it should be :) Page references from timetable to event descriptions was great. There was few mistakes though that timetable and event description were showing different rooms.

Few small Imo suggestions:

Put something important and often needed to centerfold. Like hotel/event area map. That page is so easy to open and find in less than second. I understand it is good place for nice art piece also, but I'd prefer having something useful-through-the-con on those pages.

Instead of so much art, I'd love to have some fictional furry stories in conbook also. Stories are underrated :) I can't remember which con it was that had multiple short stories written to conbook. It was nice to read them while idling in random convention queue.


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