Eurofurence Information > Feedback

Conbook - feedback and suggestions

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The decision to have no stories in the conbook was deliberate - it's one of those things that individuals keep requesting, but in the end, the vast majority only sees it as a wall of text of dubious value :) So I requested to no longer include any fiction in the book. It requires an attention span that most people don't have at a con. A comic would work.

Jake R:

--- Quote from: Cheetah on 29.08.2013, 12:02:40 ---The decision to have no stories in the conbook was deliberate - it's one of those things that individuals keep requesting, but in the end, the vast majority only sees it as a wall of text of dubious value :) So I requested to no longer include any fiction in the book. It requires an attention span that most people don't have at a con. A comic would work.

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Oh yes, I very much support the idea of a comic! If you want to go nuts, you could even get a team of multiple artists together and let different people draw different panels / pages (depending on how long it is). It'd probably be easier than working together on one big picture anyway.

That's one awesome idea....

The maps are needed in the pocket guide (too). I usually leave the conbook in the room while the pocket guide goes in my pocket and is always around. It was a pitty the banner brawl was missing in the pocket guide and so I missed it too. When you note such mistakes after print write them on a flipchart at registration and everyone can fix his pocket guide. I'm aware you did just-in-time updates with the app, but even though having a S3 and gsm-internet the pocket guide was still easier to use: especially because you couldn't mark and get alarms for your events of interest and were always confronted with the initial alphabetical order of events using the app. The only pages which looked odd in the conbook was that which advertised (primarily for the other cons): Printed text literally using the last millimeter (and sometimes cut off) not using the usual header or footer or pagenumber simply made it look like not really belonging to the conbook. Skip counting them, print them all on the same physical sheet of paper and they can be easily ripped out later.

Fafnir Kristensen:
mmm, the pocket guide may be too small to have useful maps on it, beside it's already full, it would require adding at least one additional fold (that would still fit into a A4 format length it seems)

--- Quote from: Bigwig on 31.08.2013, 15:30:20 ---The maps are needed in the pocket guide (too).
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