Eurofurence Information > Feedback

Your special, beautiful, and most cherished moments at Eurofurence

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For me it was a rather personal moment at Wednesday. Around 12:00 o' clock, when the fedex deliveryman finally arrived at the hotel. I didn't even let him into the hotel but got to him right when he opened his transporter. Finally after three years of waiting I got my own fursuit. For a moment I couldn't believe it when I got the package. I took it to the fursuit lounge, unboxed it and put it on and suddenly I felt totally relived and happy. I'll never forget that moment.

For the convention itself there's lots of stuff that was very touching. The visit of the raccoons, the charity concert, the fursuit walk with all those spectators. And of course the crazy sum of over 19.000 Euro for the charity. This makes me proud to be a furry. Thank you everyone for this wonderful experience.

Jake R:
Every single time I was thanked for volunteering work, be it working in the fursuit lounge, helping at ConOps or selling Otter Noses.

Remember people: none of the staff is paid for their hard work. The only thing that keeps them going is your appreciation. A quick "thank you" goes a very long way. =3

There were countless happy moments, but here are some of the greatest:

Arriving at the hotel: seeing the huge groups of people, some of whom I had wanted to meet for a long time. I was just overwhelmed with the happy atmosphere and all the great people there.

The Critters at the Zoo event: A little girl who was scared at first, but when I laid down on the ground she approached an petted my plush fish. One minute later, she hugged me, laughing happily.

The Fursuit Parade: I left the hotel, and there was a huge crowd cheering and clapping. Groups of kids running around asking for hugs, everyone just smiling and taking photos.  We always get happy reactions to fursuits, but I've never seen so many people waiting for us.

This did not happen during the convention itself, but I still found it incredibly awesome.

We had just boarded our flight home at Tegel, and one of the flight attendants came to us and said "Can I ask you something?".
She said she saw us board the plane and noticed our badges and lanyards, and asked if we were the people from the convention. We said yes and she got so excited "I am from Magdeburg, it's so awesome, we love you guys". We showed her our badges and talked for a few seconds before pushing back from the gate.

I can't believe the convention has made such an impact on the people of Magdeburg, and this little encounter even helped cure some of my emerging PCD  :)

Those moments during the beginning of the PawPetShow, when Pinky announced the amount we had gathered and Rosi (?) breaking down in tears really brought me to tears as well, such a heartwarming moment <3

The other part would definately be the parade ... I saw some videos of last years FursuitParade, which I didn't attend because I was too shy, and there were already many people waiting for the parade ... but nothing could have prepared me for what we saw and encountered this year. Endless rows and rows of people, all clapping, smiling and taking photos of and with us being totally happy, the citizens of Magdeburg having us in their hearts. For me this was a special moment that really moved me, my first time showing myself in fullsuit to so many smiling spectators; that we got so much appreciation for what we do <3


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