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Eurofurence 28 — "Cyberpunk"
Sep 18 – 21, 2024
CCH — Congress Center Hamburg


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 on: 28.09.2023, 13:53:06 
Started by MartinRJ - Last post by MartinRJ
this is a call for help.

Imagine 500 innocent foxes facing an imminent end... We have a chance to change their fate.

A lot of you probably have heard about Save A Fox - or at least have seen some of their videos that have gone viral (the fox stealing the iPhone and running away with it, for example).

They have saved a lot of foxes from North America's (probably) biggest fur farm. Mostly foxes that were too weak or too 'ugly' for breeding.
Right now this fur farm is in the process of closing. In the process, they plan to cull all of the around 500 foxes.

Save A Fox has made an oral agreement with the owner, who agreed to sell them the rest of the farm, including the cages and the foxes. And of course they need to raise money to properly care for the foxes, they need to hire vets and other staff, get property and build a huge amount of new enclosures and runs. For all of that they are looking to raise 700.000$. They are working out the legal paperwork with a lawyer at the moment, it even includes a clause which prevents the owner from ever farming animals again (hopefully, if all goes well).

In the past few days Save A Fox has already raised around 150.000$ with donations, but it's not enough. The deadline for the fur farm is November 1st.

We as furries have always had a big heart for animals, and it almost has become our custom to collect money for animal and wildlife charities at furry events. Please help, this is a really urgent matter! I'm not just asking for donations – even spreading the word, engaging in the social media posts, and letting the furry fandom and everybody else know about the urgency can make a huge difference!

Please spread the word, maybe push them as the charity for some furry events, engage and watch and like their posts, share their videos. It's the only chance to save those poor foxes.

What can you do:

We furries can absolutely help them on this mission!

Save A Fox is a nonprofit organization, with a team of around 30 people, including financial staff, their board, volunteers, helpers, etc.

Here's a Q&A with Mikayla who does almost all the social media stuff:
They already have two locations, one in Minnesota and one in Florida, but that's not enough to house 500 additional fox rescues.

Disclaimer: I have no connection with Save A Fox whatsoever, I'm just one of many many donors who wants to help them close this horrific fur farm, while sparing the 500 foxes from getting killed.

The clock is ticking! Each of us can make a difference. Let's come together and save these innocent animals.

 on: 23.09.2023, 16:07:28 
Started by ANTIcarrot - Last post by kshade
NDR Too Many Tabs (German),audio1464316.html
Comedy podcast about random topics. Their guest, Aminata Belli, happened to stay at the Radisson Blu during EF and generally seemed positive, but it still derailed into fursuit sex and ended with a not entirely serious "think of the children" type message. She apparently wants to return to EF next year and do some kind of report...

 on: 22.09.2023, 23:30:34 
Started by Polar Lykaios - Last post by ANTIcarrot
Can't help you with a dead trees version, but there is a PDF copy available here:

 on: 22.09.2023, 13:48:17 
Started by Polar Lykaios - Last post by Polar Lykaios
Hello Folks :3

I would like to ask if anyone has a second Conbook that is no longer needed and could perhaps send it to me, as unfortunately my own has been lost. I would be happy if someone could help me with a conbook.

Fluffy Greetings :3

 on: 20.09.2023, 12:33:20 
Started by Schorse - Last post by Schorse
Again, my EF 27 photos are all here:

 on: 14.09.2023, 21:24:17 
Started by ANTIcarrot - Last post by ANTIcarrot
First off, congratulations to the con staff for pulling together any convention at all after [censored by the FIA] caused previous arrangements to fall apart.
Also, thank you to the medics you helped me with a mild case of dehydration during the convention.

The CCH certainly gives the impression of being newer and more purpose built site than the Estrel. The open plan allows for much easier movement, and no longer are we two very close convention sites seperated by a single double door. The general location is also (sorry Sonnenallee) quite a bit cleaner than the neighbourhood around the Estrel. And while I'll miss the old restaurants I used to regularly go to, there are lots of new food places to explore nearby. And we have a garden we can go for a fursuit walk in. Hopefully the site manager on stage at the closing cerimony can also fix the weather for next year. ;)

On the downside, everything being much closer together, and that same open plan, sound management is more of an issue than in prior years. With loud music coming from the the entrance lobby, and the hall 3+H foyer, and hall 4, and the courtyard outside... There were times (particularly at night) when there was nowhere publically available that was reliably quiet. A notable examples was someone running some kind of DJ event in the 3+H Foyer during the last hour or so of Demonhunters, which didn't really improve the latter. This is an aspect where the Estral's longer more stretched out layout (single double door and all) was more advantageous.

At the same time, Los Angeles was also bursting at the seams during the e621 Game Show, and the artists lounge has shrunk considerably this year. More space in the Dealers Den is always good. The ideal solution would be more function space, and also more widely seperated function space, but if wishes were horses...  Hopefully in future years we can expand into the last three sections of Hall H, and also maybe Foyer A-C, or Hall X.

The EF homepage and forum show EF 27 as running from 3rd to 7th of September. Con book and app list events happening from the 2nd to 6th of September.
I appreciate there waa an actual event happening on the 2nd, and the 7th was basically just a packup day, but the latter has always been listed in the conbook and app before.

 on: 07.09.2023, 23:54:28 
Started by ANTIcarrot - Last post by ANTIcarrot
ZDF Heute
Video of the fursuit parade, including interviewers with several fursuiters. Also some footage inside the dealers den (which I assume they must have been very careful about) and some more interviews.
Auf deutsche, naturalisch.

Hamburg 1 TV
More video of the outsides.

News article.
My goodness Cheetah, did you realise you were running a Trade Fair all these years?

 on: 07.09.2023, 12:43:12 
Started by VulpesRex - Last post by Quincy the Raccoon
Or eaten by a hungry heron?

 on: 31.08.2023, 12:55:02 
Started by OUNCESNOW - Last post by OUNCESNOW
Hey all,

Unfortunately due to UK rain strikes and cancled flights I cannot make it to my first convention.

It sucks, but im hoping that someone can still use my ticket and go have a lovely time.

Going to a good home for €80

Let me know and get in touch :)

 on: 30.08.2023, 23:41:21 
Started by ScoutVanHowlen - Last post by draconigen
Turns out the Glympse embedding API has slightly changed, and the related docs appear to be outdated. I'm getting the feeling we're using a legacy feature here, that's just someone at Glympse noticing away from being turned off altogether.

ANYWAY, due to popular demand (literally! Thanks for everyone asking for it!) and some degree of availability left, the feature is back on our website:

Enjoy, and drive safely.

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